06 DECEMBER 2012
This statement is in relation to the recent breaking of a Hindu Alter by the Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (MPSp).
On Wednesday the Selangor Menteri Besar and State EXCO were given a briefing by officials from the Majlis Perbandaran Sepang. Among those present were YDP MPSp, Pengarah Pembangunan and Pengarah Jabatan Penguatkuasa MPSp.
From the briefing it was quite apparent that the YDP/ Head of MPSp, was neither consulted nor informed prior to the action of breaking the structure. The Selangor Non-Muslim Affairs Council co chaired by EXCOs YB Tuan Ronnie Liu, YB Theresa Kok and myself was also never informed of these actions, prior to them being taken.
The action taken by certain officers was unilateral. There is reason to suspect this action is bordering sabotage. From 2008 we have given instruction to all PBT’s and Pejabat Tanah not to break any place of worship that existed prior to 2008. We facilitated all issues in relation to places of worship to obtain permission from the relevant authorities for land and construction. At present in Selangor we have at least 30 place of worship being built with complete approval given by the local councils and State.
We advise everyone to follow the laws of the state, if we do not follow the law and take it upon ourselves to make decisions then we would have difficulty in improving the system of governance. Only through consultation, discussion and understanding that we would be able to achieve the needed change in society.
The Selangor State has demanded an in depth investigation of all the parties involved in the breaking of the Hindu alter under the jurisdiction of the Majlis Perbandaran Sepang. We have given MPSp two weeks to submit their findings, for any appropriate action on those breached the due process of administration.
The actions of the Majlis Perbandaran Sepang enforcement officers, are in direct breech of the Standing Order issued by the Selangor State Government through the Non-Muslim Affairs Council, that forbids breaking of religious structures.
YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar
Selangor State Executive Councillor
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